Some days ago, my eight-year old daughter asked her mom, “what is coronavirus?” That was what everyone was talking about and she wanted to be part of the conversation. Indeed, nothing has enjoyed the attention of the media in the last few weeks and paralyzed the world with fear like coronavirus, an infection that started in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. So far, it has infected over 1000,000 people in 99 nations with over 3000 recorded deaths. The global economy has taken a hit and there are fears that it might plunge the world into another recession. Unfortunately, medical science is yet to discover any vaccine to combat the infection. But we have been told by medical experts to wash our hands with soap many times a day, use hand sanitizers, avoid people with flu-like symptoms of coughing and sneezing, and maintain social distancing. Since coronavirus is transmitted from human to human, these are all good measures for our safety. The flip side of it, however, is that these experts...